February 4


Setting The Right Goals For Yourself

By JB Scott

February 4, 2017

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Are You Establishing Specific and Reasonable Goals?

It takes a little thinking to ensure that a goal is reasonable and that you are setting the right goals for yourself. If you’re uncertain whether a particular goal is actually achievable, then you have to do a little more thinking and research. When you’ve established a goal that is reasonable, you then have to write down a clear description of that goal. This will ensure it is easy to understand and realistic for you to complete.

Are Your Goals Diverse?

Concentrating on just one part of your life is not a good or effective idea. We as individuals live very diverse lives and therefore we need to make specific goals for all areas of our life in order to really feel complete. If you have a fantastic business or occupation but your personal life feels empty, then regardless of how successful you may be, you will not feel your success to its fullest. Something will constantly be eating at you. You'll feel as if there's something missing from your life if your goals aren’t balanced. For this reason, you need to make certain your objectives include something from each area of your life.

Does Your Daily Planning Represent All Your Demands?

You will need to create a timetable or schedule for yourself for each goal you have set. You should take into consideration how realistic your goals actually are. Ex. Stating your goal to be healthy, balanced and lower your cholesterol by 10 percent in six months is good. However, you will have to set aside the time to exercise or work out as well as planning how to eat right. To succeed, you will always need to expect the unexpected. What I mean is that something will almost certainly and consistently be in your way. Distracting and stealing your valuable time from your goals. It will be very frustrating for you to accomplish your goals if you don’t set aside the time each day and then make that time your number one priority.

For instance, if your goal is to work out thirty minutes each day, allotting only thirty minutes isn’t realistic or practical. You should set aside an hour for getting ready, working out, cooling down and getting cleaned up. If you have to travel to and from a workout facility, that time needs be included also. Just be practical and realistic in your planning to avoid any problems or disappointment.

Are You Picking Yourself Up Or Are You A Quitter?

Many times when individuals set their goals and timetables, then run into a roadblock on their journey, they have a tendency to give up. Make use of the example above. As soon as you execute your timetable for the goals you have established, you will find there are things you’ve neglected to take into consideration. Whatever they might be, Do Not give up. Instead, gain knowledge from the problem and modify your timetable to be more flexible.

You may discover that by using this technique you might have to rewrite some or maybe all your goals and the timetables associated with each. This is OK! You will be continually learning new and exciting things on your journey. It will also show your progress and commitment to making your life a better life. Many people believe failure is something bad. However, the reality is if you don’t fail occasionally you’re not going to learn or progress as you had hoped.  It may also signal that you’ve made your goals far too easy and the results you're looking for may be disappointing. A goal if set properly, is meant to push you to accomplish something and to do it within a set time period.

Do Your Goals Represent Your Needs and Wants or Someone Else’s?

A lot of people set goals that represent exactly what someone else wants for you rather than what you want for yourself. This thinking could truly trigger a lot of tensions and animosity on your part which can smother and/or kill even the very best laid plans. As you establish your goals for your life, ask yourself if this is what you want or is it to satisfy someone else.

It’s okay to do things due to someone else, but it’s necessary that you are truthful with yourself about it. Most importantly, make YOUR personal goals for yourself and don’t let the needs or desires of someone else stop you from doing so. After all, this is your life and your dreams!

Are You Committed To Remaining on Track?

Timetables are very important to the success in reaching any goal in life. A simple “To Do” list will FAIL miserably in contrast to a well outlined timetable for any goals that can take you from point “A” to point “B” in the shortest amount of time. Always make sure you look at your schedule early every morning, throughout the day and every night. Keep notes when you do well on sticking to your timetable and also where you don't. Observing the patterns of your task could be valuable in taking care of any improperly scheduled routines. This will also help you determine if a goals is realistic. It will also point out whether or not you’re staying with the plan you set for yourself.

Are Your Goals Written Positively?

When writing down your goals, it’s very important to write them down in a positive way or in a manner that feels good and favorable to you. In the pursuit to improve your life, try jotting down a new goal and then transforming the words to make it seem more positive. Doing this will make it more enjoyable and motivating. For instance, “I want to dropping 25 lbs.” looks like a great goal, but for some people it could represent being deprived. So rephrasing it might look something like – My goal is to “enhancing my BMI by 10 points” or “reduce my cholesterol by 10 percent”.

Do You Have Too Many Goals Going On At One-time?

It’s important to note that doing too few goals can be a problem, so can trying to achieve to many at one time. Everyone has a personal life and an occupational life with many other interests in between. If you are trying to achieve to many goals in to many areas of your life at the same time, you may burn yourself out or feel overwhelmed by it all. You do need to have goals for the different areas of your life. They just don’t have to be all at the same time. Rather choose one or two personal goals to focus on till you reach them. Then you can add even more goals as time goes on. Enjoy the personal victories of completing the first goals before moving on. Those victories make the journey that much more rewarding. Slowing down and staying focused will help you achieve more goals in the long run. Remember, life is a journey not a sprint. Learn to enjoy the view on the journey to the finish line as well as at the finish line itself for each goal you achieve.

Setting personal goals for yourself will take some serious thinking and consideration on your part. Don’t aim to set all your goals in one sitting. Instead, set a few goals in different areas of your life and with different timetables to complete. One month, 6 months, 1, 2, 5 and 10 years from now. Also, give a lot of thought as to why you’re making the goal in the first place. This will be your motivation to accomplish that goal. Learn to spend more time planning your life than you would a two week vacation. The time you spend now can generate fabulous results and will amaze you! Now go set some GOALS for yourself and get started!

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