June 15


7 Traits That Will Create Higher Self-Esteem

By JB Scott

June 15, 2017

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How’s your self-esteem? People with a healthy sense of their own self-worth are often happier, more successful, and more productive than others. The good news is that self-esteem can be strengthened and improved. The following characteristics may reflect you or someone you know, and they’ll help you see the power of having high self-esteem.

1. They Know Their Strengths and Weaknesses

People with high self-esteem know what they’re good at and where they may have weaknesses. They are confident in their abilities, and they are comfortable learning new things and listening to feedback and criticism. Instead of engaging in negative self-talk, they tend to dig right in and take action.

2. They Take Responsibility

Those with healthy self-esteem don’t blame others for their weaknesses or mistakes. They own them. They know what they are capable of, aren’t afraid to push the limits and readily admit when they make mistakes or fail.

3. They Know What They Want and Need

People with self-esteem know what they want from their personal and professional life. They also aren’t afraid to ask for it and to pursue their needs and wants. They generally are willing to communicate their wants and needs, and they feel worthy of receiving them.

4. Effective Communicators

In addition to being willing and able to communicate their wants and needs, generally speaking a person with healthy self-esteem is also a good listener. They’re able to set their ego aside and truly listen to what other people want and need.

5. Adaptable

People with good self-esteem are confident in their abilities. This means that they’re generally comfortable with change. They believe that they can handle whatever comes their way. Many with high self-esteem actively seek change and push themselves out of their comfort zones.

6. Take Care of Themselves

It’s no surprise that someone who believes in their own self-worth actively takes care of themselves. People with healthy self-esteem also practice good self-care. They tend to eat well, exercise, and take steps to get the personal and emotional support that they need. They don’t hesitate to set time aside and make themselves a priority.

7. Set and Achieve Goals

If you’re not afraid of change and you are confident in your skills and ability to handle challenges, then it makes sense that people with high self-esteem are goal oriented. They’re able to set goals that push their limits and succeed. That doesn’t mean they succeed the first time they try. However, they’re able to learn from their mistakes and aren’t afraid to try again if they fail.

Do you recognize any of these characteristics in yourself? If you do, great. If not, don’t worry. Self-esteem can be learned. You can, with practice, learn to believe in yourself and all that you’re capable of achieving.

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